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Math symbols

Math notation is the worst. Every domain has its own special language and interpretation. Here are some common ones.

Complex numbers


Mathematicians struggled with the concept of a negative number for years; it’s a mathematically-defined construct. Complex numbers are this as well. They involve a rotation; each 90-degree rotation is ‘i’, somewhat similar to radians. However, in the real-imaginary plane, only real numbers are along the number line; any rotation other than i^0, i^2, i^4, etc. has some imaginary component. The multiplicative progression of “-1 is 1, -1…”. For imaginary numbers it is “i, -1, -i, 1, i…”. Hence, 4 rotations is like not rotating at all.

Imaginary numbers allow us to do two multiplications and to get -1. Rotating 90 degrees each time allows us to do this (rather than multiplying by a negative number, which is a 180 degree rotation along the real number line).

Linear algebra



Echelon form


Coefficient of variation

Basically a normalized standard deviation, allows you to compare standard deviations between data sets w/ different means. stdev/mean.

T- and Z-tests

Calculus Notation

Start with a function, calculate the difference in value between two points and divide by the size of the interval between the two. You can represent this as such:

f(x2) - f(x1) / x2 - x1


∆f(x) / ∆x (where ∆, delta, is the greek capital D and indicates an interval)

Now, take the limit as ∆x goes to zero, and you have the differential. This is indicated by using a lower case d instead of the ∆.

df(x) / dx

Now, if this operation is treated as an operator applied to a function, it is usually represented as

d / dx (applied to f(x))

Note that (typically in physics), you can also use the letter δ to indicate very small intervals and in general you would use the symbol ∂ to represent partial differentials. They are all variations of the letter D.

Exponential moving average

Y = series
alpha = weight (close to 0 = favors previous EMA value, close to 1 favors current series value)

Variables vs parameters