General form
- Never, ever ’jerk’ the weight to get the last rep of a set out
- 4x leg swing warmup before
- If having knee pain, make sure desk chairs are high enough; feet should just lightly be touching the ground
- Feet should only be slightly turned out; prefer wider stance to feet more angled
- Feet will be significantly wider than shoulder width
- If back is bowing at bottom, feet are too close together
- Big breath before lift, tense up core significantly, but breathe throughout the lift
- Try focusing on pushing the hips back initially (and then forward).
- Keep knees inline with feet
- Squat to parallel, don’t bounce into bottom
- No toes, only heels
- Feel tension/push in butt
- On the way up, don’t push upward with the back; keep straight
- Try to keep weight back somewhat
- Up on toes -> stomp feet on the catch
Standing barbell press
- Start at chest
- Elbows in
- Full extension
- Weight should be in middle of spine at peak; have to move head back at start to get it out of the way.
Standing rows
- Palm down
- Keep everything tight through abs, butt, and lower back
- Start and return bar to the floor between each rep; don’t keep airborne the entire time.
- Raise hips until hamstring tension
- Keep everything tight through abs, butt, and lower back
- Legs should be shoulder-width or narrower
Accessory lifts
Can add accessory lifts if desired, to the end of the program:
- Chin-ups (very good to add, don’t do curls b/c of elbow issues)
- Dips
- Weighted sit-ups
- Calf raises