Equation editor
Required/optional bibliography fields
Best practices
- Don’t worry about formatting until you’re done with the paper
- One line per sentence
- Use Bibtool to help manage the bibtex file.
- Use
instead of\begin{center} \end{center}
to center things inside tables/figures etc.\centering
doesn’t add any additional vertical space. - Encode data or terms that might change as variables
Formatting and typography
- Minor emphasis: smallcaps or italics
- Severe emphasis (stands out on page): bold or underline
Remove margins from a PDF figure automatically
Use the PDFCrop tool
Float placement
It is currently impossible to force 2-column floats to appear on the same page as when they are referenced. The best method is to declare the figure as a separate file via /input
, move this input higher in the paper as necessary. This should be one of the last steps before submission, since adding/removing text impacts this placement.
Bibliography and citations
Automatic section/author refs
\citeauthor{paperlabel} % to get the paper's authors
% (crefs requires cleveref package)
\Cref{reflabel} % to get "Section 2.2"
\cref{reflabel} % to get "section 2.2"
Bibtool commands
# Make bibliography with just citations in the paper
bibtool -r bibtool.rsc -x paper.aux -o papernew.bib
# Make bibliography with all citations
bibtool -r bibtool.rsc -i paper.bib -o papernew.bib
Bibtool config
Use the bibtool.rsc
config file to specify how the output bib file will be formatted. Can also specify the sort order for various document types. “#” is a separator, not a comment.
print.line.length = 10000 = Off
print.terminal.comma = On
sort = On
check.double = On
sort.order{article =
#note }
Cref not being highlighted correctly in vim
syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\Cref{" end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=@texRefGroup
syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\cref{" end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=@texRefGroup
Random build errors
hyperref can fail randomly; comment the package if having trouble